
Parses sudoers file and expands aliases and groups for given users to determine who and what can run commands as that user.

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Usage: parsesudoers -u user
       parsesudoers -u user1,user2
       parsesudoers -u user1 -u user2
       parsesudoers -u user -f file
       parsesudoers -u user [-deFPp]
       parsesudoers -a
       parsesudoers -h
       parsesudoers -V

Parses sudoers file and expands aliases and groups for given users to determine who and what can run commands as that user.

 -a, --all              match all sudoers rules
 -d, --debug            print debugging information
 -e, --expand-group     expand group names into member lists
 -f, --file             path to sudoers file
 -F, --fqdn             prefix fully qualified hostname
 -H, --human-readable   will not expand groups and prints commands on several lines
 -h, --help             print this help and exit
 -P, --prefix-text      prefix arbitrary text
 -p, --prefix-user      prefix query user
 -u, --user             user(s) to query
 -V, --version          output version information and exit

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